Aloe Sunscreen - Sunscreen Organic.

The Solar Screen Aloe Sunscreen protects your skin perfectly UVA and UVB rays through its sun protection factor SPF 30. This great sunscreen is specially formulated from 100% stabilized Aloe Vera jelly.

You will also appreciate its high water-resistant formula that protects you for more than 40 minutes in the water! The use of Aloe Sunscreen is safe and gentle for children.

With the current knowledge of the dangers of exposure to the sun, we seek only the highest quality sun protection products available on the market. The Sunscreen Aloe Sunscreen Forever responds to this request!

Combining modern science with natural ingredients, this sunscreen helps to soothe, lubricate, moisturize and protect the skin against sunlight and wind. Strong water resistant, which protects you for more than 40 minutes in the water! Sunscreen formulated from 100% stabilized Aloe Vera jelly.
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