Aloe Lotion.

Day cream. Aloe Lotion Emulsion for body and hands, fine texture, contains 66% natural aloe gel. Aloe was combined with collagen, elastin, jojoba oil and vitamin E to maintain skin suppleness and hydration. With its light scent, it is suitable for both men and women.

Emulsion Aloe (Aloe Lotion) is particularly recommended for dry skin or dry. It is rapidly absorbed by the leaves and beautiful soft and supple.
This is an excellent moisturizer (superficial skin hydration) for the body and is perfect as a lotion. Feel free to use it after your bath in the sun.

This is an ideal product for dry, hoarse, battered by wind or weathered. Lightly scented but strong for dry, irritated skin, Aloe Emulsion quickly restores their delicate pH balance to keep them flexible and douces.- Emulsion Aloe: particularly recommended for dry skin or dry.

Dry, itchy skin, scratchy skin, impaired skin: 66% natural aloe vera gel, collagen, elastin, jojoba and vitamin E
Acheter l'Aloe Lotion

Emulsion Aloe is an exceptional protective hand cream, body, legs and feet. It helps to fight effectively against external aggression, irritation, itching, crevices and frostbite.

It is also suitable for oily skin since Aloe is a good pH control.
Emulsion Aloe is perfect for protecting babies.

Emulsion aloe may also be used as a massage cream synergistically with Emulsion Thermogène (ref 64).
Emulsion Aloe is a cream goes everywhere that suits the whole family.

For best results, it is advisable to always prepare the skin with
Aloe First Spray (ref 40). Then apply generously Emulsion Aloe and well into the skin.

For sensitive skin, it is recommended to clean the skin with Jelly Bath (ref 14) or Cleansing Cream - Aloe Vera Soap (ref 38).
It is advisable to test the Emulsion Aloe on a small part of the body because the emulsion can cause an allergic reaction due to lanolin in it.


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