Aloe Heat Lotion Heat.

Aloe vera lotion or emulsion Thermogène Heat is also used to warm up the muscles before exercise.
Heating lotion with aloe vera for massage comfort. Body care
It consists of 38% natural mucilage of Aloe leaf recognized to the extent of its moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating, soothing and analgesics.

Emulsion Thermogène relieve discomfort due to the heat it provides. This is a popular massage cream of Physiotherapists and gives excellent results in cases of joint pain, muscle, tendon, torticollis.

For athletes, it will be a great help before exercise to warm up the muscle without attacking and preventing cramps and tetanization. After the effort, it will relieve muscle and will mitigate contractures.

Emulsion Thermogène massage or inhalations will also prove very effective when cooling is on the bronchi and in case of breathing difficulties.
This is an excellent massage cream for foot reflexology problems.

In case of painful periods, although massaging the lower abdomen to relieve pain.

In case of fever, although massaging the torso and back. Do not apply pure for a child under 10 years. In this case, put very little and mix with Aloe Gelly ref. 61.
Add a Thermogène hazelnut emulsion into a vessel containing boiling water. Bring a towel for covering the head and the container and breathe big lungs.
Warning: Although overlap after inhalation to keep warm.
Can be applied as a poultice in cases of violent pain.
To obtain best results, it is advisable to always prepare the skin with Aloe First Spray (ref 40). Then apply generously on Emulsion Thermogène and thoroughly massage the skin. Continue massaging the skin moistening with a little Aloe First (ref 40).

Acheter Aloe Heat Lotion


Avoid contact with eyes. Rinse in case of contact with eyes. It is recommended to do an allergy test in a defined part of the skin in case of first use. Indeed, the emulsion Thermogène contains lanolin and parabens which some people are allergic.


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