Aloe MSM Gel

Aloe MSM Gel combines aloe vera gel (40.2%), MSM, an essential cellular component sulfide all living organisms, combined with herbal extracts and other agents to relieve selected at any time.

Recommended for relieving joint pain, this product is also used to treat the skin. It stimulates and regenerates the skin, improves blood supply to the skin and makes it soft and smooth.

It contributes to a better oxygenation of the skin, thus promoting cell division. It has bactericidal qualities, fungicides, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-radical.

Aloe MSM Gel will have favorable effects on acne, bruises (bruises), bedsores, eczema, calluses, skin folds, inflammation, wrinkles and fine lines, fungal infections, burns, irritations solar , joint pain, scarring.

Aloe MSM Gel



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