Soothing Dry skin care

For external application, designed the Forever Aloe Propolis cream.
This concentrated moisturizing cream combines the natural aloe gel (74%) and the benefits of propolis.

It is enriched with chamomile, comfrey, vitamins A and E, recognized for their contribution to healthy skin.

This cream is particularly suitable for dry and sensitive skin.


Propriété et usage

Propolis cream covers cases of skin cuts and wounds, frostbite and cracks, burns, radiodermatitis, skin abscesses, boils and various suppurations, varicose ulcer and all the slow and difficult wound healing in general, in particular bedsores, the anal fissures, corns, callus, partridge eyelets and calluses, palmoplantar keratoderma that are very difficles heal, warts, etc.


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