Coat soft and shiny

Rich in aloe gel, soothing, softening and revitalizing the Veterinary Formula is an exceptional care product for animals such as dogs, cats, birds and horses but also for livestock such as cows etc.

A multi-purpose product to a high concentration of Aloe Vera for the peel and beauty treat hair problems.

If skin sensitivity, spray on sensitive areas to calm irritation. The Veterinary Formula can also be used after the bath to provide gloss and maintaining the bristles.
Use: Spray directly on the skin or apply using a compress. Repeat several times a day if necessary.

For centuries, many cultures men and women have used pure Aloe Vera and costs in protecting their skin to keep it looking young, beautiful and healthy.

The Egyptians, known for their constant tendency to physical beauty as it has been embodied Cleopatra, have used Aloe Vera for its moisturizing qualities in their efforts to maintain that youthful appearance.

With Aloe Flower of Youth, you repairers beauty skin products ever created before!



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