F15 Beginner 1 & 2 - Chocolate Lite Ultra

Take the next step with F15 on your way to look and feel better. Whether you have only just started taking more exercise and eating more healthily or are already quite experienced  in this field: F15 has the right level on offer for everyone.  Choose F15 BEGINNER if you would like to embark on a more healthy lifestyle.

For whom:
F15 BEGINNER is the right programme for you if you have recently completed C9 or if you hardly take any exercise, if at all, and would like to emark on a healthier lifestyle. This programme will teach you all basic fitness skills using straightforward workouts which do not require any special equipment. You will find an exercise table and food schedule, recipes and useful tips to help you opt for healthy or healthier lifestyle choices.

F15 contains (for 15 days):
Forever Aloe Vera Gel™ (2 x 1 litre)
Forever Lite Ultra Chocolate™ (15 meals) 
Forever Therm™ (15 tablets)
Forever Lean™ (60 capsules)
Forever Fiber™ (15 sticks)
F15 Beginners brochure

Please Note: If you are using any kind of medication at this moment or undergoing medical treatment, e.g. if you are diabetic or suffer from a heart condition, we advise you to see a doctor before embarking on any exercise programme with or without food supplements. Forever F.I.T. (C9, F15, Vital5) is not suitable for women who are pregnant, trying to conceive or are breastfeeding. 



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