Forever Garlic-Thyme | Garlic and Tym

Forever Garlic-Thyme (garlic and thyme) is very effective for the immune system. Garlic stimulates or regulates many digestive functions thanks to its aperitif, eupeptic and stomachic properties, and its antiseptic, antiputrid and carminative intestinal actions, combined with a deworming (antihelminthic) action.
has a diuretic action, and is said to have some aphrodisiac properties.

Garlic thyme has a stimulating and antispasmodic action on the nervous system in general, has interesting hypoglycemic properties that make it recommended in the diet of diabetics, seems to promote intracellular redox reactions, and according to some authors has an anticancer activity (experimentation in rats).
Stimulates the body's natural defences, has a favourable effect on blood pressure (garlic and thyme hypertension), promotes the maintenance of good cholesterol levels.
The thyme stalk has mainly antiseptic, antispasmodic, coughproof, purifying and healing properties.

Forever Garlic Thyme - High Blood Pressure

Garlic and Thyme, two powerful antioxidants combined, to regulate blood pressure; Improves the quality of the blood vessel wall by making them more flexible.


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