Artic Sea

The Arctic Sea ensures a supply of essential fatty acids through a combination of Omega 3 and 9. Omega 3 are the essential fatty acids in fish from cold seas. The Omega 9 are of vegetable origin (olive oil).

  • Fats or lipids, in the same way that the proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins must enter a normal diet for the growth and health of individuals. However, the modern diet is terribly excessive in saturated, and amusingly deficient polyunsaturated fatty acids fatty acids.

Every day, we eat too many fats as saturated fats of animal origin that are often catastrophic health plan because the cause of cardiovascular disease and overweight.

However, apart from the fact that should be quantitatively decrease this ration of lipids (butter, sausages, fatty meats, biscuits industrial, etc) in the power point do not exceed one-third of the total lipid diet, should be use in the quantity allowed fats which, qualitatively, are best for health. On this plan, these are mono and polyunsaturated acids that should take precedence.

Monounsaturated fatfound in vegetable oils, and especially in olive oil, are, much more beneficial, insofar as, possessing an intermolecular bonding, they participate in some metabolic exchanges, and may, as is the case for example for oleic of olive oil, protect the cardiovascular system.

Polyunsaturated fatty acidscontained in vegetable oils, sunflower, rapeseed, corn, soy, safflower, linseed or olive, but especially in cold-water fish oils have multiple links, and therefore participate in the largest number of metabolic reactions.

These polyunsaturated fatty acids including give rise to prostaglandins, substances which regulate the expansion and construction of blood vessels, ensuring the fluidity of the blood and permit the transport of cholesterol. Each year new studies corroborate the value preventive and therapeutic oils of fish in the field of cardiovascular disease as well to reduce triglyceride levels than hypertension. We now know that the regular consumption of fatty fish oils decreases by 40% the risk of death from coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction. These fats of fish from cold seas belong to a large family of fats, that is called until recent Omega 3, and that biochemists call now n - 3.
The only dietary plan, estimated today that 30 to 100g of fatty fish (tuna, mackerel, sardines, salmon, herring, whale meat) per day are sufficient to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by a decrease in triglyceride levels (reduction of linoleic acid, increase acid ecosapentaenoique EPA and Docosahexaenoic acid DHA of plasma) overall by two.

The Inuit model
Scientific observers had noticed that the peoples who lived in the cooler coastal areas of the world, including the Inuit of Greenland, were strangely protected against certain cardiovascular diseases. The word heart attack, for example, had no equivalent in their language. It took a few years to understand that this protection came from regular consumption of fish whose flesh contained some essential fatty acids, the famous Omega 3-rich oils. Conversely, with "Westernization" of its food, the modern Inuit saw his regime and also his vocabulary grow, "bypass" and other "cholesterol" are now familiar.

The Omega 3 or n-3 contribute to the flexibility of our cell membranes and with good flow exchanges between these cells and their environment and justify the appropriateness of their use in many medical areas.

Here are a few examples:

  • (behavioural disorders, poor vision and below average intelligence, disorders of sleep, anxiety, and depression).
  • . They promote the protection of the heart, vessels and brain and participate in the balance of fats from the blood. They are indispensable for the construction of the brain of the fetus and young child. It may be wise to bring in food supplementation, especially pregnant or breastfeeding women and seniors.
  • . It is also used in cardiology as a preventive measure in individuals to coronary risk high.

It also results in rheumatology, including in basic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis prevention.
The animal was demonstrated experimentally a certain protective role of fish oils in breast and colon cancers.
In patients with multiple sclerosis, some studies tend to demonstrate an improvement of symptoms in patients subjected to a diet rich in fish oils.
As we age, the body synthesizes in less Omega 3. The elderly should absorb more. If the requirements are not covered, different degradations occur the most obvious are visible at the level of the skin which, deficient, dehydrates. Wrinkles appear, sometimes accompanied by disorder of keratinization as psoriasis. Harm to the brain are invisible but much more formidable, with theprogressive cerebral involution appearance. According to some studies, after a few months of supplements in fish oil, there is a significant improvement in memory and cognitive faculties. Considering the possibilities of application in cases of Alzheimer's disease.
Fish oils also have an antihypertensive effect. Some studies show a decrease in systolic blood pressure in the range of 6%.




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