Berry Nectar

Aloe Berry Nectar consists of juice of aloe vera, fresh cranberries and carefully selected Apple juices. Enjoy the benefits of Aloe Vera and fruit juices in the Aloe Berry Nectar.
It is a healthy and natural food supplement that can be integrated in thedaily diet of the whole family. By theevacuation of toxins from your body, drink aloe vera promote digestion and allow a good assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Without diet or aesthetic care or surgery, you you proportional relation to your healthy natural structure: weight, obesity, skin, energy, health, aesthetics, aphrodisiac for men and women,...

Aloe Berry Nectar detoxifies the urinary tract, the kidneys, the liver, diet, relieves the prostate, urinary tract infections, fibroids, the gum disease, migraine, varicose veins, phlebitis, hot flashes, fighting bad cholesterol and voltage outbreaks.

  • Food supplement
  • All the benefits of the Aloe Vera Gel, as well as concentrate of cranberries and apples
  • A powerful antioxidant aloe vera drink
  • A natural source of vitamins A and C

The Aloe Berry Nectar, Aloe Vera Gel-based, helps to maintain a good rate of hydration. In addition to the aloe vera gel, Berry Nectar contains in addition to Apple and cranberry extracts that provide this drink of vitamins A and C additional of known antioxidants. The delicious taste of the Berry Nectar makes an ideal drink for children.

Recipe: snacks
For a delicious and healthy snack, add the Aloe Berry Nectar to a yogurt or cottage cheese with fresh fruit.




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