Forever Aloe2Go

Forever Aloe2Go is a combination of Aloe Vera Gel and Forever Pomesteen Power, a tasty cocktail drinks two combined in one convenient bag. Pomegranate, mangosteen, pear, raspberry, blackberry, blueberry and grape seed combined with pure essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids: strengthen your immune system and your strength.

Concil of use

Drink daily a bag of Aloe 2 GB, preferably twice. This amount can be adjusted according to the personal feelings. It is advisable to consume Aloe2Go for at least three consecutive months. Also, drink one to one and a half liters of water a day. This helps eliminate toxins. In order to maximize the effect of Aloe2Go, we advise you not to mix with hot drinks.

On Precautions

After opening, keep the bags open the refrigerator and eat them preferably within 24 hours. Thus, the powerful major assets will not lose. Shake well before use. This product does not replace a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Dose should not be exceeded.


Aloe vera gel stabilized, pomegranate juice, pear juice, mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.), raspberry juice, mulberry juice, blueberry juice, grape seed extract, citric acid, potassium sorbate, tocopherol.


30 sachets de 88,7 ml



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