New - Forever ImmuBlend (355)

It was specifically designed to support and enhance the immune system.
And, whatever the season!
Each ingredient has been carefully selected and plays a crucial role in supporting and enhancing your immune system.


Using Advice

Take two tablets daily as a dietary supplement.


Ask your doctor if you are pregnant or trying to get.
Do not use if the seal under the plug has been removed or damaged.
Be sure to close the product and keep it in a cool, dry place.
To keep out of reach of children.
This product does not replace a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Dose is not exceeded.


ImmuBlend contains active nutrients; fructo oligosaccharides, lactoferrin, fungi such
the Maitake and Shiitake, vitamins C and D and zinc to boost energy.

This exclusive formula focuses on improving the immune system. It provides both essential nutrients that are simply essential for a healthy immune system, as natural plant nutrients and to improve the immune system and give it extra support.


60 tablets



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