Aloe Sunless Tanning Lotion - Self Tanning.

Day cream. Beauty care for a tan safely. That happiness.
The special formula of this Emulsion Self Tanning gently nourishes the skin with aloe and other active elements it contains.

Self Tanning Emulsion leaves the choice of the importance of tanning. For a deep tan, it is useful to apply it frequently. Once the desired tan obtained, the frequency of applications necessary to maintain the tan can be decreased.

Warning: Self Tanning Emulsion does not contain sunscreen and does not protect against sunburn.

For best results, take a shower or bath before applying the product. Apply a thin and even layer without stressing the knees, elbows and ankles. Repeat every 4-5 hours until the desired color is achieved. If carefully wash your hands immediately after use. Avoid contact with clothing and other items as the skin is still damp.

To maintain the tan, it is advisable to repeat daily or every other day (as required) this operation.

Aloe Sunless Tanning Lotion




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