Sea Arctic Sea Forever

The Arctic Sea ensures a supply of essential fatty acids through a combination of Omega 3 and 9. Omega 3 are essential fatty acids found in cold sea fish. Omega 9 are the ones of plant origin (olive oil).

"The fats or lipids, as well as the proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins must enter a normal diet for the growth and health of individuals. However, the modern diet is terribly excessive acids saturated fat, and awfully deficient in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Au quotidien, nous consommons trop de corps gras sous forme de graisses saturées d'origine animale qui sont souvent catastrophiques sur le plan santé car à l'origine des maladies cardio-vasculaires et des surcharges pondérales.

However, apart from the fact that this would reduce quantitatively lipid diet (butter, sausages, fatty meats, industrial biscuits, etc.) in the diet to the point of never exceed one third of the total lipid intake, it must also use the permitted quantity fats which qualitatively are best for health. In this regard, it is the mono and polyunsaturated acids must be favored.

Monounsaturated fatty acids, which are found in vegetable oils, and particularly in the olive oil are, in turn, much more beneficial, insofar as having an intermolecular bond, they participate certain metabolic exchanges, and may, as is the case, for example oleic acid from olive oil, protect the cardiovascular system.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in vegetable oils from sunflower, rapeseed, corn, soy, safflower, flax or olive, but especially in fish oils from cold seas, have several links, and thus participate in the largest number of reactions metabolic.

These polyunsaturated fatty acids give rise to particular prostaglandins, substances that regulate the expansion and construction of the blood vessels, thus ensuring the smooth flow of blood and allow cholesterol transport. Each year new studies corroborate the preventive and therapeutic value of fish oils in the field of cardiovascular disease as well to reduce triglyceride levels as hypertension. Regular consumption We now know that fatty fish oils reduced by 40% the risk of death from coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction. These fats from cold sea fish belong to a large family of fats, which until recently called Omega 3, and biochemists call this n-3. "
The only diet plan, it is estimated that 30 to 100g of oily fish (tuna, mackerel, sardines, salmon, herring, whale meat) a day will generally halve the risk of cardiovascular disease by decrease triglycerides (reduction of linoleic acid, increased écosapentaénoique acid EPA and DHA plasma docosahexaenoic acid).

The Inuit model

Scientific observers had noticed that the people who lived in the coldest coastal regions, including the Inuit of Greenland, were strangely protected against certain cardiovascular diseases. The myocardial word, for example, had no equivalent in their language. It took a few years to understand that this protection had regular consumption of fish whose flesh contained some oils rich in essential fatty acids, the famous Omega 3. In contrast, with the "westernisation" of his food, Inuit modern saw his regime and also enrich his vocabulary, the "bypass" and other "cholesterols" being her now familiar.

Omega 3 or n-3 contribute to the flexibility of our cell membranes and proper flow of trade between these cells and their environment and justify the appropriateness of their use in many medical fields.

(behavioral problems, poor vision and intelligence below average, sleep disorders, anxiety and depression).
. These help protect the heart, vessels and brain and are involved in the balance of blood fats. They are essential for building the brain of the fetus and young child. It may be wise to bring in food supplementation, especially in pregnant or nursing home and senior citizens.
. It is also used in preventive cardiology in individuals at high coronary risk.

It also gives interesting results in rheumatology, including basic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and prevention of osteoarthritis.
In animals, it has been experimentally demonstrated a protective role of fish oil in breast and colon cancers.
In patients with multiple sclerosis, studies tend to show improved symptoms in patients subjected to a diet rich in fish oils.
As we age, the body synthesizes in smaller quantities Omega 3. The senior must therefore absorb more. If the needs are not covered, various degradations occur Most obvious are visible at the skin level, deficient, dehydrates. Wrinkles appear, sometimes with keratinization disorders such as psoriasis. Mischief in the brain are invisible but much more formidable, with the gradual onset of cerebral involution. According to some studies, after several months of supplementation with fish oil, there is a significant improvement of memory and cognitive faculties. We study the applicability to cases of Alzheimer's disease.

Fish oils also have an antihypertensive effect. Some studies show a decrease in systolic blood pressure of around 6%.

Conseil d'utilisation

The recommended amounts of Arctic Sea are 1 to 2 capsules per meal, or 3-6 per day depending on the purpose. For efficiency, pair it with a drinkable or Berry Nectar (ref 34) as a basis.

The special taste of fish oil causes no inconvenience since the capsule Arctic Sea dissolves once arrived in the stomach.

Arctic Sea is an exceptional product that should always enter into the scheme of all people at risk and all those concerned about their health. Combined with a diet low in animal fats, sugars and alcohols, this dietary supplement is especially recommended for obese, non-insulin dependent diabetics and alcoholics.

Précautions d'emploi - Bienfaits

Artic-sea is composed of unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-9. Omega-3s are found in cold water fish while Omega-9 are of plant origin (olive oil). A diet rich in Omega-3 as part of a healthy lifestyle, helps maintain heart health and good health of the arteries by facilitating blood circulation. At higher doses, it helps to keep joints mobile and flexible.


  • 750mg fish oil from cold seas (including 225mg of EPA and 150mg of DHA)
  • 250mg Olive oil
  • vitamin E


60 gélules


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