Rehydrating Toner.

Transparent and fresh Aloe Toning Fluid completes cleansing by removing gently the last traces of impurities.

On 45% Of Aloe Gel!

Without alcohol, it respects the integrity of the epidermis, leaving the perfectly clean and soft. With 41.5% of stabilized aloe vera gel, skin is moisturized * and regains tone and radiance. * Upper layers of the epidermis.

Tone And Refreshing

Formulated without alcohol, our toning fluid gently removes the last traces of milk exfoliant, regenerates and tightens pores of the skin to give a very fine and bright appearance. It tones the skin and regulates its moisture (higher layers).

The fluid contains 45% aloe vera gel, witch hazel, plant extracts and collagen and the allantois. It can also be used as fluid tensor.
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