Aloe Scrub 

Perfect for all skin types, the Aloe Vera Cleansing Milk cleanses your face and removes impurities accumulated during the day. Smooth, not greasy, this cream cleanser hydrates skin leaving a feeling of freshness, wellness and comfort.

Cleanse your face twice daily with a few drops of this cleansing milk this natural anti-wrinkle with aloe vera. It is a delicate and gentle lotion that refines the texture of the skin and gently removes impurities, traces of makeup, excess sebum and dead cells.

This mix of assets and aloe vera (45%) deep cleans and is perfect for cleansing the face and eyes. It is very soft and respects the delicate eye contour. Contains vitamin C and is hypoallergenic.
Buy Milk Aloe Purifying Scrub - Exfoliating Cleanser
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Principal Component:

It effectively remove traces of makeup, excess sebum and dead cells. Hypoallergenic PH neutral, he respects your skin and the delicate eye contour. 39% natural aloe gel




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