Blossom Herbal Tea

Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea is a drink aloe vera - With Infusion to the Aloe Fleur de Forever Living, all biological functions are likely to be favorably influenced by the subtle blend of ancient plants. If so many people say we have a sleep and digestion facilities through the infusion, it is no coincidence!

If the flower aloe had to enter into the composition of this remarkable natural drink for its properties, aloe vera is accompanied by what nature does best for our well-being. Here is the list of these exotic plants that make up this wonderful product:

Aloe Fleur

In its natural habitat, aloe (Aloe Vera Barbadensis) gives a beautiful flower which can collect the petals. These have special properties, some of which that are found in the mucilage.


The bark of this plant from China is traditionally used in Asia for culinary and medicinal purposes, such as a stimulant of some functions and as relaxing.

Orange zest

Orange peel brings its rich flavor and a strong vitamin C content which is known to participate in many biological functions, including the development of collagen and brain function. Flavonoids (or pigments) of orange peel have excellent antioxidant or free-radical and potentiate vitamin C.

Bien que provenant de Madagascar, le clou de girofle est originaire d'Asie du Sud-est. Outre son emploi en cuisine et dans la préparation de boissons et liqueurs, on lui reconnaît des propriétés relaxantes et antiseptiques. Il facilite le processus du sommeil. Son essence est utilisée en chirurgie dentaire. Le clou de girofle agit aussi comme agent aromatisant.

Feuille de mûrier

Although from Madagascar, clove is native to Southeast Asia. In addition to its use in cooking and preparing beverages and liqueurs, is credited with relaxing and antiseptic properties. It facilitates the process of sleep. Its essence is used in dental surgery. Cloves also acts as a flavoring agent.

Thé de la Jamaïque

Like ginger, this plant was selected for its tonic and its calming to the digestive system.


Provient d'Egypte. C'est un aromate bien connu qui est également stimulant, eupeptique (facilitant la digestion) et carminatif (favorisant l'expulsion des gaz intestinaux). Très riche en potassium, il favorise, entre autres, les bons réflexes.


Comes from Egypt. It is a well known herb that is also challenging, eupeptic (facilitating digestion) and carminative (promotes the expulsion of intestinal gas). Very rich in potassium, it promotes, among others, good reflexes.


Comes from Egypt. Widely used as a tea for its beneficial effects on gastric, digestive and antispasmodic. The ancients used it a lot as a febrifuge and antiseptic. Chamomile is also widely used form of essential oil in cosmetology.

Gymnéma sylvestre

This plant comes from India, where it is called "sugar destroyer" (gur-mar) for his work on perception, envy and sugar metabolism. It inhibits the cravings, the taste of sugar and curbs appetite. Scots Gymnema also has diuretic action.
Infusion is a diuretic product, very concentrated, very sweet to the taste, no need to sweeten. It is suitable for slimming diets and to find a restful sleep.

Acheter l'Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea

Composition Thé

Cinnamon, Orange Peel, Cloves, Blackberry Leaf, Allspice, Fennel, Ginger, Cardamom, Aloe Blossoms, Gymnema Sylvestre, Chamomile.

Contenu Thé

25 sachets




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