Who is Aloe Vera for?

For everyone

AloeInfo: the pulp of the leaf of Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller:

o is non-toxic and completely harmless
o has no incompatibility with other therapies
o has no contraindications
o Does not cause any side effects under the recommended conditions of use.

It can therefore be used at any age and in any circumstance without the slightest ulterior motive, whatever its form of presentation.

There is only one small restriction that concerns allergic terrains. Although extremely rare, the application of certain preparations based on Aloe vera pulp can cause a small skin allergy (rash, itching, etc.) It is important to know that, more often than not, it is not the pulp that is at fault but an accompanying substance.
To be sure, all you have to do is do a test with fresh pulp: if nothing happens, it is not the one that is to blame and you have to try another specialty: if the disorders reappear in the same way, it is indeed the one responsible and it is then preferable to avoid any external use whatever its form of presentation.

Aloe Vera: The Silent Healer

As an inveterate Gulf player, I thought I would no longer be able to satisfy my passion because of pain in my arm. After trying everything (infiltrations, osteopath...), I followed a Balance and Slimming slimming cure and at the same time, thanks to Aloe vera, I regained a range of motion that I no longer had: my doctor couldn't believe it! and neither do I... after 1 month I was able to see the results [ Marie - 68 years old ]

Benefits of aloe vera for men and women

Obesity Female, Obesity Male, Water Retention, Juvenile Acne, Premature Ejaculation, Male and Female Sexual Vigor, Tubal Cleaning, Prevents Prostate Cancer, Gives Energy, Calms Pain, Rejuvenates, Prevents Early Aging of Cells, Promotes Digestion, Evacuates Toxins, Promotes Fertilization, Prevents Cancer, Facilitates Convalescence, Improves Concentration, Reduces Fibroids, Hemorrhoids, Reduces hot flashes, Prevents cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Aloe vera forever pulp, combined with one or more Forever Living Products dietary supplements and creams, guarantees you maximum results.

For maximum effect, drink 3 cans of aloe vera drink as a discovery or maintenance treatment

Toujours commander 3 bidons de buvable pour un effet maximal :

  • le 1er bidon repère,
  • le 2eme répare,
  • le 3eme stabilise.

Recommandé en cure de découverte ou d'entretien.

Problèmes pour lesquels nous pouvons prendre le gel d'aloe

Problem 1 - New Eating Habits
- Only 4% of the European population eats properly!
- More than 50% are overweight and are still malnourished or the opposite!
- Low-calorie diets with cuts out of many foods rich in vital elements
- Increasing Consumption of Refined Essential Foods!
Problem 2 - The Environment
- Progressive impoverishment of agricultural soils: direct source of impoverishment of plant food and indirect impoverishment of animal feed fed with these deficient plants
- Water pollution
- CO2 levels too high
Issue 3 - Denaturalization of food
- Intensive Accelerated Growth Methods in Agriculture and Livestock
- Unwanted (toxic) treatment of plants and animals
- Modern industrial manufacturing techniques (including preservation and distribution)
Issue 4 - Self-Care and Lifestyle
- Chemistry dominates in personal care products
- Often not adequate self-care
- Overload of the body due to the environment (ozone, acid rain, etc.)
- Lack of physical exercise
- Poor living conditions (stress, pollution, etc.)
