Aloe Berry Nectar

The Aloe Berry Nectar contains all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes present in the pulp of Aloe Vera (see ref. 15) more properties of the Apple and Cranberry.
Less bitter than the pulp of Aloe Vera, this tonic and invigorating drink as well appeals to children as to adults.
Associated Pollen (ref 26), Aloe Berry Nectar will prove to be very effective in the fight against prostate in humans.
Associated with the Arctic Sea (ref 39), it will give good results in the fight against cholesterol and strengthen the cardiovascular sphere.
To combat migraine headaches and circulatory problems such ashigh blood pressure, it is advisable to associated with garlic and thyme (ref 65)
In General, the Aloe Berry Nectar is recommended for what is cardiovascular sphere (painful menstruation, varicose veins, phlebitis, hot flashes, high voltage). We recommend as part of a slimming regime in combination with the Infusion (ref 200) and the disposal linked to renal problems.
Cranberry provides potassium, but primarily vitamin C, an essential contribution when begins the season of colds.
Women susceptible to UTIs, Cranberry prevents bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder, thus limiting the possibility that they generate a urinary tract infection.
It is useful to incorporate the cranberry juice to the way of life of those who suffer fromurinary incontinence; Cranberry juice deodorizes the urine, thus making it less embarrassing to the involuntary loss of urine.
Cranberry limits the formation of dental plaque that causes diseases of the gums such as gingivitis and periodontitis (inflammation of the gums).
Finally, the cranberry is one excellent draining and all those who suffer from water retention will find in Berry Nectar a valuable product.

Aloe Berry Nectar


Cranberry belongs to the family of blueberries and eaten cooked, because of its high acidity and astringency. Long reserved for the Christmas turkey, cranberries are now available all year round. They are added to muffins and energy bars are made applesauce, cakes and pies. They are also processed into juice, drinks and cocktails.

In an era where it was not the high vitamin C content of the cranberry, it was very popular with sailors from New
England, as those who ate were not victims of scurvy (a disease characterized by bleeding multiple due to vitamin C deficiency).

It is recommended to make very limited use if dialysis.

Berry Nectar is used in the same way as the pulp of Aloe. Drink twice daily from 30 to 60 ml of Aloe Berry Nectar.
This amount can be adjusted according to the personal feelings. It is advisable to consume Aloe Berry Nectar for at least three consecutive months. Also, drink each day one at a time and a half liters of water. This helps eliminate toxins.

To maximize the effect of Aloe Berry Nectar, do not mix with hot drinks.



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